
About Us

Dear NDA Aspirant Students and Parents,

First of all, I congratulate you all for choosing a high goal of NDA for your life. NDA and the defence sector in general provides a very high standard of life in all its dimensions. A good life, Moral life, technologically advanced & socially healthy life, economically stable & adventures life with physical and mental development to a higher standard and in many ways a better life than the rests.

In India , the craze of NDA is increasing by the day. But students aspiring to join NDA have very few reliable avenues to confirm their entry in NDA. The Government Institutions like RIMC-Dehradun, Sainik Schools etc. are maintaining their high standard and providing consistent results but their intake is very short of what is needed. So to provide a better avenue for NDA Preparation in India we are coming with MISSION NDA All India test series Program.

Mission NDA is a dedicated platform for all NDA Aspirants in India. Those who really wish to secure career in defence are trained to success in different levels of NDA exam. Our teams are making some serious efforts to make coherent strategy to shorten the path of NDA. Our research and development team is dedicated to find new ways of success and the best methodology developed for NDA preparation.

I Wish all the very best to you for Success.

Thank You..! Jai Hind..!!



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